If want to save your teeth and eliminate gum problems, you need to understand a few things, then take one important action. First, understand the results of periodontal disease if you do nothing; second, identify the main cause of the problem; and last, use the best solution to deal with the problem. Let’s now go through each of these.
1. Consequences of doing nothing to save your teeth?
It has long been said, “The mouth is the gateway to disease.” In other words, if you have poor dental health, then you are vulnerable to various diseases and dangers. Here are some of the destructive consequences if left unchecked. It may exacerbate other conditions as well:
- Chronic Bad breath (the most embarrassing!)
- Red, swollen, and painful gums
- Receding gums
- Teeth loss
- Dentures
(those of you that have them know that it is better to avoid it all together – warning to the younger and more fortunate) - Bone loss (jaw)
- Stroke
- Heart disease and heart attacks
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Kidney disease
- Lung disease
- Risks with pregnancy
The Bottom Line:
The main point should be obvious. Since the mouth is a portal to the body it can also be a gateway to disease if not taken care of. Dental hygiene is crucial and is not to be overlooked.
If it is neglected, the consequences can be very painful, and costly, even deadly. Is it worth saving your teeth? Yes indeed! If more people gave diligent attention to oral care, many other conditions would be kept in check.
The Numbers Do Not Lie – it is a problem you have to face.
According to the magazine of the National Institutes of Health, NIH Medline Plus, 47.2% of people more than 30 years old, have some form of periodontal disease. In only gets worse and is a danger not to ignore.
By age 65, more than 70% of adults have some form of periodontal disease. Do not think that it will not happened to you. The numbers are stacked against you. It is a reality.
So how do you diminish the risk or eliminate it altogether?
Identify the main cause and apply an effective solution that works. It’s that simple.
2. What is the main Cause of tooth loss?
There are several diverse reasons for the beginning and worsening of gum disease: poor diet, drug use, poor dental hygiene, stress, and various other reasons. The number one culprit, however, that actually does the bulk of damage are uncontrolled bacteria that thrive in the mouth. Yes, that is right!
Uncontrolled bacteria are the main problem!
If they are not controlled they can wreak havoc on your gums, teeth, bones, and overall health.
Ignore bacteria at your own peril.
So what do you need to do?
You need to naturally and effectively kill periodontal bacteria!
3. What is the Best Solution to Kill Periodontal Bacteria and Maintain Oral Health?
Can I save my rotting teeth? Perhaps, but you need to keep your teeth by using the right solution as part of oral care plan. The best plan include a solution that is effective at killing and controlling mouth bacteria.
We recommend OraMD, which studies have proven to kill destructive mouth bacteria.
You can learn more from an OraMD review or you can go directly to the official site for the OraMD sale (they are offering big discounts and a free gift) where they are having a blow out sale. For a short time, they are offering big discounts and a free gift (Cyper Monday!) that include skin care products too.
So do THIS one thing to save your teeth (and eliminate bad breat) — use OraMD.
This stuff is all natural and it really works. Check it out and get big savings!
This is a short helpful video that Trusted Health Products produced.
FYI – One of the biggest deep discounts is for $172.19 for the 1-year supply of OraMD Extra Strength.
This is an amazing savings for the family or for yourself.